Lazy Superfan



Lazy Superfan Podcast is a place for casually obsessive chats about all things film, TV, and video games, hosted by overthinking geeks.


  • Episode 18 - Star Trek Beyond

    16/01/2017 Duration: 48min

    In this episode: Is Star Trek Beyond a movie about a lizard trying to put brown dust into an air conditioner, or something BEYOND that? Also we chat about Star Trek at large on its 50th anniversary year which was last year.

  • Episode 17 - Suicide Squad

    02/09/2016 Duration: 51min

    In this episode: "Aaaaaaah!" The superfans lie in a circle of knives and cry about Suicide Squad. It's not our fault - we're patsies.

  • Episode 16 - Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

    20/05/2016 Duration: 49min

    In this episode: SPOILERRIFIC discussions abound regarding all things BvS. Does Zack Snyder's latest superhero flick leap tall buildings in a single bound, or should it be pushed off one?